Earley Cabinets Reviews

100% of customers recommend
4 of 5 stars 1 review with an average rating of 4
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Date created: Name:
Location: Boston, MA
Model/Style: B003HD8WB6

Satisfaction Rating:

4 of 5 stars Somewhat Satisfied - 4 out of 5

"Overall, I would recommend Kitchen Cabinets made by Earley."
I recently received this kitchen cabinet from JcPennys, and overall I am pleased! I have had them for about a month now. There fit well in my kitchen, as it is white and green themed. It has plenty of space for my needs, with 4 fairly large drawers. However, it isn't so large that it take up an obnoxious amount of space. It is a great deal, but if you are interested in extremely high quality cabinets, I would not go with this. The materials are not the best (the acrylic door has a plastic covering). Overall, it is relatively sturdy, and by no means looks cheap from a casual standpoint. I have not has to repair it or replace it yet. It is fairly easy to put together, if you are able to follow directions reasonably well. It should not take you very long. As for the brand, this is my first experience with it.