SPT Wine cabinets Reviews
100% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2011-12-07
Name: Anonymous
Location: Missoula, MT
Model/Style: WC20TL
Satisfaction Rating:
"Great Wine Cabinet at a Great Price"
The hardest thing for me to find has been a wine cabinet that can change temperature easily so that I can use it to store either whites or reds. We like to drink white in the summer months, or when my mother in law is in tow, and red in the winter. Switching up our preferences keeps variety in our routine. At any rate, the SPT cabinet is restaurant grade and allows us to change temperature to meet the needs of either a white or red supply. The cabinet also has space for 20 bottles which allows for a nice assortment. I also like the color (black) and the sleek design. Our cabinet is in the kitchen and mounted above the counter in the space that would have been occupied by a cabinet. It's really a very unique and attractive feature in our kitchen. In fact, we get quite a few positive comments about the cabinet - even though most people see it as a novelty.