Koolatron Wine cabinets Reviews
100% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2011-12-14
Name: Anonymous
Location: Chicago, IL
Model/Style: WC12
Satisfaction Rating:
"My Koolatron Is So Cool"
Don't let the cheesy name fool you. The Koolatron 12-bottle wine cooler is a class act. I've owned mine for about two years and I am very satisfied with it. It's perfect for people like me who like wine but don't drink it every day. It sits in its designated corner quietly chilling my small collection of wine bottles. As far as I can tell, it isn't a power hog and it certainly isn't a noisy beast like some wine coolers tend to be. And, it actually looks good. I also like that I can remove the bottom shelf and stick in a six pack of beer when I feel like "slumming it", so my Koolatron gets points for versatility. In nearly two years, I haven't had a single problem and it always keep my wine nicely chilled and readily accessible. The twelve bottle model will cost you around $110, and, at that price, the Koolatron is a great value.