Koldfront Wine cabinets Reviews
100% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2012-12-04
Name: Anonymous
Location: Washington, D.C.
Model/Style: TWR160S
Satisfaction Rating:
"Thermoelectric Wine Cabinet - 16 Bottle Capacity"
I bought this wine cabinet about a year ago. I liked the compact design that allows for it to fit into the basement entertainment area that we recently had remodeled in our home. While the room is not complete the sleek design gives the bar are a sophisticated look that I love. The shelves slide out and are chrome and the thermoelectric cooling fan is almost silent. The soft lighting inside the cabinet does not provide a glare or harsh fluorescent lighting that could kill the ambient mood that we are striving to create. The only problem that I find is that the auto defrost doesn't seem to always work. The built in towel bar is tacky and we just removed it. But overall it is a welcome addition to our small wine collection; I just wish they sold a bigger one. Probably when we upgrade the entertainment area for the third time we'll go for a bigger version of wine cabinet build by Koldfront.