Waste King Dishwashers Reviews

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Date created: Name:
Location: Middle Tennessee
Model/Style: Dishwashers

Satisfaction Rating:

5 of 5 stars Very Satisfied - 5 out of 5

"Waste King Dishwashers"
As an ex-employee [truck driver] of Waste King Universal based in Vernon, Calif. In the 1970's, I can tell you Waste King did in fact make most kitchen appliances, including dishwashers, ovens, cooktops, and disposals. Waste King was a part of Norris Industries when I worked for them and was sold to Anaheim Appliances after I had left the company. At the time, Waste King was a good company to work for. Stan Tinker, Middle Tennessee

Date created: Name:
Location: palm springs
Model/Style: Dishwashers

Satisfaction Rating:

5 of 5 stars Very Satisfied - 5 out of 5

"1965 Waste King Dishwasher"
We had a Waste King dishwasher around 1970 it had 3 cycles each with a designated push bar like button inter grated into the alum chrome plated panel designed by a famous industrial designer Donald Desky. The control panel itself was a work of art boasting a 2 inch square illuminated lucite badge with the universal logo. The cycles were rinse hold normal and pots and pans. Pots and pans activated a seperate mini timer that delayed the wash by an hour but never worked consistently. A large decorative dial showing the cycles started the machine by pulling it out. The interior was not stainless but the double was arm tower was stainless rotating in opposite directions. The lower rack was unique because it lowered down into the machine when you closed the door. The final rinse had a sensor and heavy calrod set in a deep well around the pump tower. Eventually the timer stopped momentarily to boost the water entering the machine if below 150 degrees for the final rinse only. The powerful pump and wash arms reached every inch Of the machine that loading china could be so dense and random that every piece came out sparkling every time. During the final hi temp rinse you could hear the pressure of the water sanitizing everything. It was the coolest looking and operating machine we had in our galley like kitchen in suburban long island.

Date created: Name:
Model/Style: Stainless

Satisfaction Rating:

5 of 5 stars Very Satisfied - 5 out of 5

"They don't make them like they used to"
I still own a waste king dishwasher and it is still operating in excellent condition. A true testament to "they don't make them like they used to". I yearn for a day when companies revert back to reputation being their driving force instead of profit. Unfortunately the wire bottom drawer has prongs that have rusted off but I am contemplating having them welded or retro fitting a newer drawer to it. I have searched the internet for replacement to no avail.

Date created: Name:
Location: atlanta, ga.
Model/Style: Dishwashers

Satisfaction Rating:

5 of 5 stars Very Satisfied - 5 out of 5

"Stainless steel with steam cleaning"
Did not find a model number yet. Just had to comment this dishwasher was built to last when I get it to latch. No doubt it will outlast any new dishwasher and would have put all others out of business. They just don't build them like they use to.