Oster Wine cabinets Reviews

100% of customers recommend
5 of 5 stars 1 review with an average rating of 5
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Date created: Name:
Location: Maplewood New Jersey
Model/Style: 4208

Satisfaction Rating:

5 of 5 stars Very Satisfied - 5 out of 5

"Effective inexpensive wine cooler"
I have owned this wine cooler for 3 weeks now and I have not had to replace it. What I like about this cooler the most is how inexpensive it is. For a mere $25 I was able to pick up this wine cooler. Another thing I enjoy about this wine cooler is how it is able to open wine as well. The wine opener has become invaluable to me when I have hard to open bottles of wine. Another thing I like about this wine cooler is how portable it is. The wine cooler is relatively small and not much bigger then a wine bottle itself. This allows me to bring this wine cooler where ever I go in my briefcase. One other thing I like about this wine cooler is how cool the wine gets. I have had wine coolers that make the wine luke-warm at best and this is certainly not one of them. One thing I dislike about this wine cooler is the fact it can only cool one wine bottle at a time. I can't really complain about this though as I'm trading how many wine bottles I can cool for portability. I have never had to repair or replace this wine cooler. If I needed another portable wine cooler I would buy another one of these although I think this one will last me a while. I would recommend this brand to a friend.